Koi To Uso/Love to Lies Quotes.

Koi To Uso, also known as “love and lies” is a forbidden-love type of romance series. Released by Lidenfilms in 2017. I really like this anime. If you’re a fan of the anime series, these quotes will help you remember the anime. And give you some food for thought whenever you need it!

Koi To Uso a little introduction.

Lies are forbidden and love is doubly forbidden. In the near future, when young people in Japan turn sixteen, they are assigned a marriage partner by the government. People don't have to go through the trouble of looking for someone, and everyone accepts that the country will find a compatible partner to make them happy. Yukari Nejima is fifteen years old. He lives in a small corner of the country and just can't seem to get ahead in life. Both academically and athletically he's below average. But within him, he hides a heart burning with passion! In this world in which love is forbidden, what will happen to him when he falls in love?

Koi To Uso (Love And Lies) quotes taken from characters:

- Takasaki Misaki.

- Ichijou Kagetsu.

- Nisaka Yuusuke.

- Nejima Yukari

Takasaki Misaki.


“What is love? Its when your eyes start following someone, and you look for them if they’re not around. You get excited thinking you might run into him when you’re putting your shoes on in the morning. And when you don’t it’s a little disappointing. But then you pass by him and that makes you happy for the rest of the day. It feels like you can handle anything. Seeing him is enough to make you happy.” 


“Just your touch… gets me excited. It makes me so happy. But those feelings will all turn into pain. The happier I am now, the more it’ll hurt. I know how cruel this is… but no matter how hard I try, I can’t rid myself of this. Nejima-kun… I… don’t know… what love is.”


“I don’t really want you to understand… I just don’t want you to be like, ‘Oh, is that all’? I don’t need people to get it. These feelings… are important to me, and they’re just for me.” 

Ichijou Kagetsu


“People don’t fall in love based on looks. And that’s a scientific fact.”

Nejjima Yukari


“Sometimes, I wonder why people fall in love. Why do we abandon ourselves… to these painful and burdensome feelings?” 


“Even though you like someone already, your partner is decided for you… and you can’t do anything about that crush. Because everyone keeps getting in the way… and saying you can’t… But… when you’re the one in love… the only thing that feels true… is that feeling.” 

Nisaka Yuusuke


“If you take someone at puberty, a teen… introduce him or her to a member of the opposite sex around the same age and say, “This is the person who was meant for you”… and then go on to spend a lot of time together… why wouldn’t you fall for them?”

Watch Love and Lies on Youtube.

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