Devil Man Crybaby Quotes.

Devilman Crybaby has mixed views from anime fans in the community. But one thing that can’t be doubted is the quality overall of this Netflix produced anime series. If you haven't watched this anime Watched it.

Devil Man Crybaby little summary.

Akira Fudo is informed by his best friend Ryou Asuka that the demons will revive and reclaim the world from the humans. As humans do not stand a chance against the supernatural power of the demons, Ryou suggests fusing with a demon. Akira becomes Devilman, with the power of a demon and the heart of a human.

Devilman Crybaby quotes taken from the following characters:

Akira Fudo.

Ryo Asuka.

Miki Makimura.





“Love doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as love. Therefore, there’s no sorrow. That’s what I thought.”

Miki Makinura


“Why do I run? When I run forward, maybe something behind me will change. Even if it’s trivial, even if it’s just a tiny bit.”


“Crying for other people and thinking about other people. That might just be a fantasy. But if it’s a person with a heart like that, even if that person is a demon or a human, I’ll accept that person.”


“Well, you are the anchor after all.”


“It’s easy to give people the cold shoulder. It’s harder to try and understand them. Even family members you’ve been with your whole life, will sometimes show you a new side to them. I wanna understand. I’ll try not to judge people because I wanna feel secure.” 



“Even bloodstained, you are beautiful Sirene.”

Akira Fudo


"You're not a demon, you're not a human either. You're a devilman, and so i will save you."


“I’m not going to make a deal with a devil like you.”

Ryo Asuka


"Even the strongest or the fastest are no match for the vast majority of the animal kingdom. weapons and vehicles are what bring out the best in human beings.'


"Demons exist. There could be one right next to you."

Watch Devil Man Crybaby on youtube.

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