Emotional Anime Quotes from Plastic Memories.

Plastic Memories is a sci-fi/romance series unlike any other. With a sad tale of romance, love, and desire for things that aren’t meant to last forever.

In Plastic Memories, sad emotional experiences create meaningful quotes and beautiful quotes.

Plastic Memories Summary.

After failing his college entrance exams, 18-year-old Tsukasa Mizugaki is offered a position at the renowned SAI Corporation due to his father's connections. SAI Corporation is known for its production and management of androids that possess human emotions called "Giftia." Tsukasa's position is in the Terminal Service Department where their main job is to recover Giftias that are close to their expiration—it is a graveyard department in every sense. To make matters worse, Tsukasa is ordered to work with Isla, a female Giftia who was never given any responsibility other than serving tea to her co-workers.

Plastic Memories anime quotes from the following characters:

Michiru Kinushima.

Kazuki Kuwanomi.




“The hardest part of loving you is knowing that eventually it’s going to come to an end.”


“I try not to miss you, I try to let go but in the end, you’re always on my mind.”


“Having happy and beautiful memories won’t always bring you salvation. The more beautiful a memory is, the more painful it can become. It can even become terrifying. Both for the one who’s leaving… And for the one left behind.”


“I don’t want you to save me. I want you to stand by my side as I save myself.”


“Because nothing makes one happier than being with the one you love.”


“I like the way you hold back your tears despite your pain and try so hard to smile.”


“It doesn’t matter who hurt you or broke you down. What matters is who made you smile again.”


“Isn’t it sad how some people only value themselves by how much the wrong people value them?”


“Memories do not always soften with time, sometimes some grow edges like knives.”


“I hope that one day you will be reunited with the one you cherish.”


“It’s hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.”


“I still remember that day when our eyes first acquainted—a trivial moment of nothing yet the timeless beginning of everything.”


“Sometimes it takes a little bit of sadness to know what happiness is.”


“I can fake my smile and laugh but I can never fake my tears and feelings.” 

Kazuki Kuwanomi


“That’s human nature. We have regrets, and go on blaming ourselves forever.”

Michiru Kinushima


“Losing sight of who you really are… that can be pretty scary.”


“It’s more cruel to give someone false hope, you know.”

Watch on Plastic MemoriesYoutube.

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