Kino’s Journey Quotes That Make You Question Life.

Kino’s Journey is the best slice of life anime. I every watch. The journey teaches you a lot especially in this world there are good and bad people. And you should always remain there are good people and never forget there are bad people who will harm you.

Kino’s Journey  Quotes introduction.

The series follows a traveler named Kino and her talking motorcycle named Hermes, as they explore countries with unique customs and people around a mysterious world, only spending three days at each location.

Kino’s Journey quotes taken from the following characters:

- Kino.

- Hermes.




“If I was asked, ‘Why do you go on journeys?’ I would answer, ‘I go on journeys because I’m a traveler’.”


“Whenever people see birds flying through the sky, it’s said that they get the urge to go on a journey.”


“When you’re on a journey, the most important thing is to not lose your life.”


“Being able to forget things you want to forget, and being able to remember things you want to remember, is such a great thing, you know?”


“I think if you don’t test your limits, they get harder to reach.” 


“One of the things I have learned through my travels is to retain my thoughts until I have solid facts.” 


“It’s probably a lie. The reason why I only stay for three days in any country. I’m afraid I’ll settle down, if I stay too long. Because if I settled down, I would cease to be a traveler.”


“The world is not beautiful. Therefore it is.” 


“It’s interesting, isn’t it? The way that when someone expresses something, someone else always shows up to interpret it.”


“The world is not beautiful; and that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty.”



“Don’t you believe that sometimes anxiety creates nations?”


“The world is constantly changing. And you can’t expect it to stay the same, even for a second. If that’s true, there’s no need for you to go on a journey, Kino. Even if you stay in one place, you’ll be able to keep experiencing the world!”

Watch Kino’s Journey Quotes on Youtube.

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