Hachiman Hikigaya Quotes that is True as Hell.

Hachiman is one of my favorites main characters in anime. It can be because I have a little bit similar to my life.

Hachiman's character introduction.

Hachiman is a loner with no close friends and is a social outcast. The only person he is close with is his younger sister Komachi. Throughout the series, he learns to be more social and develops good relationships with classmates and peers.

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Let's started Hachiman Quotes. 


“A lone warrior surviving hundreds of battles, when it comes to losing, I’m the strongest.”
“About marriage or about future, I don’t know what will happen in the future. In this world, it’s normal that when there’s a preparation, then a new grief is born, but everyone has the right to desire happiness. Our efforts need to be held for the sake of our future.”

"Everyone has something they hold dear, something they never want to lose. That's why they pretend. That's why they hide the truth. And that's why lie." 
“Everyone is a slave to their past. No matter how much you wish to move forward, the events of last year will bear down on you like the light of the stars as soon as you glance up. Unable to laugh or to banish your past, you carry it ceaselessly in a corner of your heart, waiting for it to resurrect at an inopportune moment.”
“Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many.” 


“I want to reply with a long message, but if it’s too long, that might be kind of revolting. But if it’s too short, then I might come off as cold instead. Feeling apprehensive of what to do, I decided to reply back with a similar word count instead. This was what they called “mirroring” in psychology. By emulating the actions of the other party, your affection levels would increase!”
“I’ve forged my own way alone. While you were consoling and fighting with one another, I faced everything myself, head on. Now look at how strong I am.”

“If what I wished for was granted to me, if what I wanted was given to me. Then, as I thought, I wouldn’t wish for anything nor want anything. Because the things you were granted and the things you were given were surely shams that would one day be lost. The things you wished for had no shape and the things you wanted were untouchable. Or possibly, they might be the most wonderful treasures that would become nothing if you were to touch them.”

"Is it wrong to do stuff by yourself? If someone worked hard on their own until now, why do they have to face rejection here?"
"It doesn't matter if we're wrong... because every time we go wrong, we'll continue to look for the right answer."

“Marriage, the institution where one’s existence goes to die. All married people prattle on about their so-called marital bliss about how they love saying “I’m home!” to their spouses, or how seeing their sleeping kids motivates them for tomorrow. But think about it: you can say “I’m home!” if you live your parents, you can even buy some mouthwash and say “I’m home!” to the hippos on the label. And if they’re talking about seeing their sleeping kids, that just means they’re working hellish overtime hours. How is that in any way blissful?” 

"It is better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not."
“Now that just looks horrible. It’s like some feudal society. If that’s what it takes to make friends in this world, forever alone is fine by me.”

“One ought to experience loneliness at least once or twice in life. No, you have to experience it. The idea of being chained to another person without reprieve is far more abnormal and disquieting. One has no choice but to learn about loneliness. I’m sure some things can’t be experienced without it.”
“School trips are simply a simulation of adult social life. If you ever go on a business trip with your boss, you won’t get to choose where to stay or what to eat, but if you compromise, you can still have a modicum of fun. School trips train you to trick yourself into that kinda mindset.”


“The past makes you wanna die out of regret and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.” 

“There are no inherently bad people. Everyone believes that, myself included. I don’t doubt the existence of virtue. And yet people bare their fangs when it seems they can profit. People will rationalize their own behavior whenever they become tainted with evil; they’re not supposed to be evil. In order to preserve their own twisted integrity, the world becomes twisted. Someone you praised as “cool” until yesterday is “stuck up” today; someone you respected as “smart and knowledgeable” is now scorned as someone who “looks down on bad students”, and “energetic vigor” becomes “annoying and overly carried away”.” 

“There is a history to humans. Humans are shaped by the experience obtained from living as time continued to wind and wind. To be reborn meant being rid of that history; complete annihilation. However, that just wasn’t possible in reality. That’s why the only thing you could do was to continue living on, bearing the scars on your body and holding the weight of the sins on your back, without wishing for reincarnation.”

“They say that if you change yourself, you’ll change the world. but that’s a complete lie. They’re just forcing you to compromise, by feeding you a convenient little fib.”
"Yeah, I'm being stupid. I know that it's out question. I know how this will end. I'll be left with nothing.Even so, I want us to think,writje,struggle... and find... something genuine."

“You can’t run away” is an ideal for the strong. You’re not always wrong. Society, the world, the people around you – often someone else is in the wrong. To think that you can change is adapting to this cruel, indifferent, trashy world. It’s admitting defeat and servility. You’re simply deceiving yourself by dressing it up with pretty words.”

"Fake people have an image to maintain Real people just don't care."

"A wondering soul in isolation, has no need for a a place to belong."

“People who grow up in different environments will invariably have different tastes and preferences. Therefore, could one say that the subsequent marriages necessarily lead to happiness?”
“When humans are faced with truly terrifying circumstances, they don’t think about other people around them. They’re even willing to sacrifice those around themselves. By exposing that unsightly part of them, they can no longer get along.” 
"There was no meaning to things that were only superficial. That was a single belief that both me and her once shared."

“When people reach the halfway mark of a long ordeal, how do they feel? Does being only halfway there make them despair? Or do they feel relief at making it halfway there? Most people have to feel one way or the other, and both emotions create an opening in their hearts. That’s why I pushed myself this far.”
“Do you know the phrase “enough specks of dust creates a mountain”? Or maybe “three heads are better than one.” In other words, when people gather together, they become even stronger and more secure. However, we were a group of failures who had gathered to do pointless things.”
"The Devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist."

Youth is both a lie and a form of evil.”

“Really, what a joke. I just didn’t understand what these nice guys were thinking about. Because they were so in love with everyone getting along, they ended up opening up other problems when they try to fix one. I didn’t even ask to be thrown into that circle either.” 

“If wishes could be granted, if desires could be fulfilled, then I wouldn’t wish or desire for anything after all. The things you’re handed on a silver platter are never genuine, and never everlasting. And that is why I’ll always keep searching.” 

“Well it’s not like the world is full of sunshine and daisies. If society was only shaped by the view that one must be happy-go-lucky all the time, Hollywood wouldn’t make tear-jerking movies, would they?”

"I don't think ignorance is necessarily a bad thing. The more you know, the more problems you have."

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